CASTRA events, 7th Nano-Satellite Symposium and the 4th UNISEC-Global Meeting

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Electric-Rocket microPropulsion System for Nanosatellites like CubeSat
Yulian Protsan

Last modified: 2017-01-16


Today one of the biggest development challenges of small Astronautics (small/micro/nano spacecraft) is that the
technology of manufacturing of the satellites has reached a high level of miniaturization and very low power consumption,
as in the same time required for such the satellites propulsion systems on the market is almost completely absent or are at
the laboratory variants or doing research developments.
The number of small satellites (less 100 kg) performing operations in space is growing exponentially (from 178 launched in
2015 to an expected more 650 launches in 2018). However, some critical subsystems and technologies, like Propulsion
Systems, are not yet fully developed. A high-performance propulsion system is needed in order to cover the full market
potential of small satellites. LAJP Ltd. has suggested the problem solution by the use of low-cost plasma micro propulsion
system. Such the plasma propulsion have high specific impulse and very low fuel (gas) consumption that allows satellites to
operate on orbit long time.
The proposed system makes the on-board propulsion system structurally simpler than existing plasma analogues. And a
role of working body part can perform available and inexpensive inert gas (Argon, Krypton, Neon) or halogens (Iodine). In
the magnetic system of supporting and release of plasma is regulated by control system at the level of "own intelligence":
how plasma behaves, so instantly on its condition the control system responses. The approach allows reduce the weight and
dimensions of thruster in several times and allows control the discharge plasma into the ionization chamber conflictless,
which does not affect the operation of on-board satellite equipment.
By the LAJP specialists constructive solutions are also made in the design of the micro-propulsion to enable to exploit at
the composition as of nano-satellites as aboard of micro- and small satellites, which
will allow have a universal device and quickly to mount it on board of wide range of satellites. The novel solution opens up a
wide range of possibilities for cost reduction and safety while simultaneously empowering new space start-ups with
affordable space propulsion systems.